How much does it cost?

£50? Yes, we charge a flat rate of £50 per hour, broken down into 15 minute segments for each task. Each person’s work is meticulously logged in our timesheets, with a record of each corresponding task performed.

Do I get a time breakdown?

Yes, absolutely! We’re completely transparent about what we do and how much time we spend doing it and at the end of each month we’ll provide you with a detailed report on where our time has been spent so that you can see exactly where your money is going. Month on month, this will also enable us to assess which areas have which budgets and adjust them according to where the best returns are being seen for your business.  

What about a performance breakdown?

Yes, you’ll get one of those too! Each month we’ll produce a detailed report of how your business has performed across each platform, including follower growth, engagement and visibility. We’ll also include our summary and conclusions, plus recommendations going forward.

Is there a minimum spend?

There is. We start at £1000 per month, which equates to 20 hours work. The reason for this is that if you spent any less it would be difficult to see a worthwhile return. The rule of thumb for Digital Marketing is that the more you spend, the greater return you’ll see, and doing any less than 20 hours per month is unlikely to generate enough traction for it to be effective.

For example, to get the best for your business from social media marketing, consistent and frequent posting is essential for engaging and growing your audience, and building their loyalty. Likewise, with sending out direct marketing newsletters, this needs to be done at least once a month. If your newsletters are inconsistent, your client base will lose interest and simply unsubscribe. Blog postings also need to be consistent, well written and well thought out.  

Makes sense, right?

Having a well thought out strategy is also very important. In the early stages, being able to determine what you hope to achieve, which platforms you’d like to target and the type and style of the content you’d like us to produce, will be a good guide in setting what you’d like to spend.

The size of your business will also have a bearing on the ideal size of your monthly budget. Some businesses make a good start by allocating 20 hours per month, some will need substantially more, perhaps in the region of 80 or 100 hours per month and many others will fit somewhere in between.

What’s the next move?

We completely understand that generating more business and fostering more customer retention will be at the heart of what every business will be looking to achieve. Having a no-obligation initial meeting will help us to determine what will work best for your specific goals, where your budget should be set, what we think we can do to reach your goals and how we can best go about making it happen.

If you think we might be able to help your business

let’s get in touch!

We really are very nice and we’d love to meet you!