The benefits of bringing your dogs (pugs) to work…

Bee & Lilly

Dogs can have a wonderfully enriching effect on our lives, by making us laugh, causing us to take more exercise and generally being great companions! Having a dog-friendly office can also have a positive effect on your working environment, keeping everyone’s spirits up, helping you to feel more relaxed and lightening the mood.

At 1st Option Digital, we feel blessed to be able to share the office with 2 pugs, which also just happen to be our favourite breed… the other great thing about having them around is that we’re never short of content for TikTok!

As a result of having pugs, around 2 years ago we became involved with the UK’s largest Pug Rescue Charity, The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association, and now look after their marketing and some of their social media platforms. This has proved to be a totally rewarding and fulfilling experience and one that we’re very grateful for.

Since covid and subsequently the economic strains, more and more people are surrendering their dogs to the PDWRA and pretty much every other animal charity, due largely to not being able to afford to keep them. The result of this is that the rescue charities are overrun with dogs and other animals that are looking for new homes, so if you’re considering bringing a pet into your life, we’d strongly suggest that you adopt and not shop!

In the meantime, we’re off for a walk…

Pugs at work
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