Over the last few years we’ve had some cracking adverts. From Aldi’s Kevin the Carrot to Sainsbury’s Christmas day football match in no man’s land back in 2014. We wanted to recap our top 3 Christmas adverts 2024, both heartwarming and silly.
As a nation we are suckers for a good Christmas advert. It’s traditional in most British houses to scream down the house as soon as the John Lewis advert pops on so the whole family can experience it together.
1. Sweet Suspicion: A Waitrose Mystery – Waitrose
Waitrose takes the top spot this year with a stacked cast and a mystery surrounding a missing pudding. A grizzly Matthew MacFadyen is determined to sniff out the culprit but everyone has an alibi and a motive. Detective mysteries are ingrained in British culture, from Sherlock to Miss Marple and recently Richard Osman with his Thursday Murder Club. Waitrose have opened up a potential series for years to come, a very clever move indeed.

2. Shaun The Sheep x Baa-bour – Barbour
As a British heritage brand it makes sense Barbour would collaborate with a British icon, Shaun the Sheep. The two collaborated last year with Shaun attempting to fix the Farmers old Barbour jacket with old bits of wool and odd buttons. This year we returned to the farm to find the flock marshalled into a choir by Blitzer the farm dog, however the poor sheep are freezing where they stand. Thankfully, Barbour provides the sheep with a warm and stylish solution. This advert is cute, quintessentially British and a good laugh.

3. The Gifting Hour – John Lewis
The advert opens with our leading lady Sally rushing past customers who are exiting a John Lewis shop on a winter’s day. She searches high and low for the perfect gift for her sister until she is magically transported into a journey through her joint childhood with her sister. We won’t spoil the bulk of the ad but it’s a happy ending where we join Sally and her sister outside the John Lewis for a big hug. Although it’s a classic John Lewis narrative the advert struggles to pull on the heartstrings. It feels a bit too focused on product placement, still a classic advert for 2024.

What was your favourite festive advert this year? Let us know!